What Happens If You Have Multiple DUIs?

For many people, one DUI can be a challenge to contend with. When it comes to facing a third or fourth DUI charge, you may find yourself facing even more significant challenges. So, what do you need to know if you are charged with more than one DUI? Here's what you need to know. Multiple DUI Charges Are Serious Often, a third, fourth, or subsequent DUI is considered a felony. It does not matter if your first DUI was 40 years ago in some parts of the country. [Read More]

Think About Using an Online Mediator During Your Divorce

When you are getting a divorce, it isn't uncommon for you and your ex to disagree about certain things. That can lead to a lot of contention and it may be difficult for you and your former spouse to come up with any kind of agreement. When that happens, there are things that you can do. One of them is to go see a mediator.  1. Mediation This process needs to have someone who is completely objective and not involved with either side of the case. [Read More]

Moving Out of State as a Custodial Parent? Understand the Legal Process

As the custodial parent, it is easy to feel like you have more parental rights than the noncustodial parent. However, unless the terms of your child custody agreement explicitly state as such — it is best to assume that you do not. For this reason, whether it is due to a job relocation or just an earnest desire for a fresh start, a custodial parent cannot simply remove the child from the state and relocate. [Read More]

Why Hire A Family Lawyer When Arranging For Child Support

When you're setting out to receive child support during your divorce or child custody case, it's important that you hire a family law lawyer to assist you. In general, a child support award amount is determined by a few factors, including the income of both parents, how many children are involved in the case, and other factors. While you can allow a judge to determine child support award amounts for you based on your state's guidelines, it's important to allow a family law specialist to intervene and represent you. [Read More]