How To Make An Online Mediation Go Smoothly

When you are going through the divorce process, you might dread being forced to sit in a courtroom for a long period of time. However, one way to reduce your contact with the courts through the divorce process is to choose third-person mediation. You may even be able to carry out the divorce mediation process in the comfort of your own home.

Learn About the Many Options are Available

Online mediation services will typically provide you with more than one option. You may choose basic mediation services, or you may choose more in-depth services. You will want to inquire about the pros and cons of each choice.

Schedule in Advance

Online mediation makes scheduling easier since you can carry out the mediation from the comfort of your home. However, you will still need to schedule in advance so both you and your ex are able to participate in the process. You will also need to download the online tool that will be used and make sure that you are able to make it work on your device.

If you must delay the mediation to schedule it at a time that is the most convenient for you, this is highly recommended. For example, you will not want to schedule at a time when you are concerned that you may get in trouble at work or maybe worried about picking your child up from school.

Choose the Right Location

Usually, your home is the best location since you will feel more comfortable and you will be free from distractions. But you may find it's more convenient to conduct the divorce mediation from an office or another quiet location. You will need easy access to any relevant documents.

You might want to choose a location other than home because you will not want your children to overhear your divorce conversation. Another option is to ask someone you know to watch your kids for a few hours while you finish the divorce mediation.

Be Prepared to Advocate for Yourself

You might believe that the goal of the online mediator is to make decisions throughout the mediation process, but the mediator actually exists to simply guide you. It's your job to speak up and make your voice heard. However, if you speak with a family law firm, they should be able to guide you before, during, and after the process of mediation to make sure you get the results you want. 
