Filing A Divorce Case? 3 Reasons To Hire A Reputable Family Lawyer To Represent You

Navigating a family-related issue like divorce is perhaps one of the most arduous tasks you can handle. The divorce process is usually tricky in all aspects, and any simple mistake can complicate it in a big way. Unfortunately, most spouses think the divorce process will be cheaper when they handle the case themselves, but it becomes more expensive in the long run. Hiring a divorce or family lawyer to deal with the matter is perhaps the best approach for anyone who wants to save more time and money and get a favorable outcome. [Read More]

4 Ways To Create A Parenting Or Custody Plan That Works

One of the best things you can do for your children and for your own peace of mind is to create a parenting plan. A parenting plan can help you make a custody agreement that works and is suitable for your next custody case. How can you go into your child custody case with a winning parenting plan? These tips will help you make the most of your plan. Explicit & Detailed Schedule of Parenting Time [Read More]

Questions About Splitting Property In A Divorce

Are you about to go through a divorce but are worried about how your property will be split up? Here is what you need to know about how it will be done. What Is Community Property? If you live in a state that has community property laws, know that all money earned and items purchased up until your divorce is finalized is considered community property. Items that you purchased before the marriage or items that you inherited during the marriage would be considered individual property under the law. [Read More]

3 Questions About Multi-Vehicle Pileup Related Accidents

Were you involved in a pileup that involved multiple vehicles? You likely have questions about who is responsible in this unique situation. Here is what you need to know about liability in multi-vehicle pileups. How Is Liability Determined In An Accident Like This? Every multi-vehicle accident is different, but you must know that these types of accidents are broken down as much as possible. This is because you may have stopped safely to avoid causing an accident, but the person behind you did not and added onto the chain reaction. [Read More]