An Attorney Who Will Handle Your Domestic Violence Charge And Divorce Proceedings

A domestic violence charge that is incurred amidst a pending divorce case may complicate legal proceedings and cause you to worry about how you will retain your legal rights through the court battle between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Hiring an attorney who handles both family law cases and criminal defense cases will streamline your preparations and ensure that you have a legal representative on your side who understands your situation in its entirety.

Dual Attorneys

It may seem logical to hire a separate attorney for each side of your legal proceedings, but this could cause you additional legal fees, plus place you at risk of not having your case conveyed in the manner you had hoped it would be. Having two separate attorneys to consult with could take up quite a bit of your personal time. In addition, you would have to essentially explain your side of the legal battle on two separate occasions.

An attorney who will be handling both parts of your legal battle will ensure that you maintain your rights throughout your court hearing. They will discuss your legal matter in depth with you and will acquire a full grasp of what triggered the domestic violence charge.

Personalized Services

A lawyer who handles messy divorces is aware of the heightened emotions that each party may exhibit. If you are not at fault for the domestic violence charge, your attorney will attempt to prove your innocence to the best of their ability. They may be able to demonstrate how your ex-partner is attempting to use hatred or anger to their benefit.

If there is no concrete evidence that you have committed any wrongdoing, your lawyer may be able to have the domestic violence charge dropped. This will allow your lawyer to focus on the divorce proceedings. The divorce itself may not be an amicable one, but this does not mean that you will have to forfeit your rights to see your children or retain ownership of your personal property.

Your attorney will prepare a property division proposal. This proposal will need to be reviewed by your ex-partner and their attorney. Your attorney will also discuss custodial preferences and visitation preferences that you have. Your lawyer may advise you to meet with a mediator before going to court. This person will consult with you and your ex-partner, attempting to form an agreement between the two of you that is fair to each party.

To learn more, contact a criminal defense lawyer in your area.
